Debunking the "Recommended 8 Hours of Sleep": The Importance of Understanding Your Individual Sleep Needs health and wellness sleep management
Have you ever stressed about not getting the "recommended eight hours of sleep" every night?
Or have you ever tried to go to bed earlier to try to get more sleep... but then it takes you forever to fall asleep or you wake up in the middle of the night and it takes forever to fall...
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Boost Your Sleep Confidence and Break the Insomnia Cycle with This Simple Trick! health and wellness sleep management
Do you have trouble sleeping if you don’t have the perfect sleep setup? Maybe you feel without your specific sound machine, pillow, sleep gadget, or special tea you'll be doomed to a night of insomnia? If so, you might have low "sleep confidence."
Sleep confidence is just the...
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How Napping Impacts Your Sleep: Understanding Napping and Insomnia circadian rhythm sleep management
Have you ever been frustrated that you can't just "take a nap" like everyone else seems to?
My husband is one of those people who can basically nap on command, and enjoy all the benefits of napping.
I, on the other hand, end up tossing and turning or lying perfectly still for an...
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How Eating Before Bed Impacts Your Sleep Quality - Tips and Insights health and wellness sleep management


If you're searching for natural sleep aids to help kick your insomnia, you have to look no further than your own kitchen.
You've probably heard that you shouldn't eat within 3 hours of bedtime in order to sleep well.
But does eating before bed actually affect sleep?
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8 Strategies to Overcome Jet Lag During Holiday Travel circadian rhythm health and wellness holiday travel jet lag sleep management time zone adjustment travel health travel tips
The holiday season is here and for many of us that also means holiday travel.
But while seeing your nearest and dearest can be awesome, the jet lag definitely isn't.
Thankfully there are several effective strategies to overcome jet lag and manage sleep while traveling -- even when...
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